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We stock high-quality Nuts that are tested and proven authentic. And we’re cheaper than you’d think.

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Do You Know:

Health Benefits of Eating Nuts:

High in Nutrients
Nuts are high in fat, low in carbs and a good source of several nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium, and selenium.
Loaded With Antioxidants
Nuts contain antioxidants known as polyphenols, which may protect your cells and “bad” LDL cholesterol from damage caused by free radicals.
May Aid Weight Loss
Nuts have been shown to promote weight loss rather than contribute to weight gain. Several studies indicate that your body doesn’t absorb all of the calories in nuts.
May Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Nuts may help lower total and “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while boosting levels of “good” HDL cholesterol.
May Reduce Inflammation
Research suggests that nuts may reduce inflammation, especially in people with diabetes, kidney disease, and other serious health conditions.
High in Beneficial Fiber
Many nuts are high in fiber, which can reduce disease risk, help keep you full, decrease calorie absorption, and improve gut health.
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